The Voodoo Mansion

Near downtown Goshen, IN, there is a house that has been dubbed by its residents and visitors as: The Voodoo Mansion. Some believe the house to be haunted by spirtts due to the sighting of a "voodoo doll" flying through the upstiars window late one night. One witness of the even claimed to have looked out the window to see a young girl with dark hair running away. Despite the intrigue of a haunted house, there is another more significant feature of the house. A small art gallery.

Located within the red brick walls of the Voodoo Mansion lies Gallery 221. Every first Friday of the month, one of the house's residents, Abi Tsigie, holds an art exhibition for local artists. The first floor has been converted into a gallery space, which is now called Gallery 221. The tenants live on the second floor of the house. Whether in search of a local art display or haunted spirits, the Voodoo Mansion is a good place to look.

Abi Tsigie (right) and roommate Seth Martin (center) on the steps of their house.