“The screen is a magic medium. It has such power that it can retain interest as it conveys emotions and moods that no other art form can hope to tackle.” -- Stanley Kubrick

I’ve always thought that movies are the most unique way of telling a story, because they can do things that other media can’t.  Film is the best medium for entertaining, powerfully conveying experiences, influencing opinion, and reflecting on our culture, all at the same time. However, it surprises me how many people don't consider them an art form, and don't think that they're good for anything other than entertainment. This site is for them, and hopes to persuade them otherwise. I've compiled some of my favorite movies that, for whatever reason, have been overlooked by society, and which I believe would be beneficial to most people if they saw them. They are all entertaining, but there is something else about them that makes them stand out. Along with a summary, I've written what the viewer might like and might not like about the movie, and with that information he or she can decide whether to watch it.